When You Encounter Mold During a Bathroom Remodeling Project
Bathroom Remodeling | Your bathroom is naturally a very wet and humid place, which is, unfortunately, the perfect environment for mold growth. Many homeowners don’t even realize that mold is growing in their bathrooms until they start a bathroom remodeling project because the mold can grow under the floor, behind the tub surround or behind the toilet or mirrors.
When a homeowner or contractor comes across mold during bathroom remodeling, the mold must be eradicated before the project can be finished. Mold is dangerous to your health and can ruin your property, making your bathroom remodeling useless. This is what you need to do when mold is encountered during a remodel:
- The Gear – When dealing with mold, you’ll need a face mask or respirator, gloves, and your skin needs to be covered.
- Remove Furnishings – Before you started your bathroom remodeling project, you probably removed all everything from your bathroom anyway, but just in case you hadn’t yet when you encounter mold, you should clear the room. Mold spores can spread and cause growth on just about anything.
- Seal the Room – You must seal the room from the rest of the house to prevent the mold spores from spreading. Hang a plastic curtain if you need to prevent mold spores from escaping. You’ll also need to set up ventilation by opening a window and putting a fan in the bathroom. Make sure not to point it at the mold, though, so the spores are not picked up in the breeze.
- Reveal the Contamination – Pry the baseboard wall trim away from the contaminated area, pull up the floorboards, keep removing the tub surround or panel walls. You need to know the extent of the area covered in mold.
- Mold Removal – Most contractors completing your bathroom remodeling will encourage you to get professional mold removal; however, there are ways to DIY the clean up also using a borax solution or special mold removal products from any home store.
Bathroom remodeling should be one of the highlights of your year, and mold can cause your project to come to a screeching halt. Make sure to work with your contractors on the best way to complete your mold remediation in the middle of the bathroom remodeling project.
When you’re ready to start a bathroom remodel, call The Bath & Kitchen Gallery at 813-544-4497.